Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Create PDF E-books Today

When I first wanted to sell ebooks, I was overwhelmed. How do I put my e-book on my website? How do I turn my e-book into a pdf so others can read it? My list of questions went on and on. As I researched e-books, I discovered it is really quite simple. All I had to do was use the right shareware to create PDF ebooks. Once I found the software, the rest fell into place quite nicely.

My favorite way to publish an e-book is with a PDF file. Don't get scared at a new term. A PDF is basically a small file that anybody can read on any computer with any operating system. This is one of the best ways to satisfy PC and MAC users. A PDF is also easy to move around. You can even attach it to an email if it's small enough.

Now you are wondering where do I find a way to create PDF ebooks with shareware. It is so simple, anyone who can print a Word document can make a PDF. Just go online and google "pdf995". You will find a free software that will convert your document into a PDF and it's all free.

Once you download the software, it is very easy to use. When you have your document completed, all you do is print it. Instead of printing the document on real paper, you will use pdf995 to "print" it into a pdf. Once it is finished, your document is now a pdf. Now, anyone with any type of computer can read it. It doesn't matter if they have a PC or MAC, they can read a pdf.

There are other "create PDF ebook shareware" programs available. As you look for the software that's best for you, be sure you get one that keeps your links clickable in the pdf. When you customer is reading your ebook and comes to a link you've included, they should be able to click that link and be transported to that web page.

Beware because any free pdf software programs do not create clickable links. If you want to use your ebook to sell other products online, you must have links that click.

Once your ebook is in a pdf format, you can easily learn how to put e-books on your website. All you do is open your ftp program. Find your pdf in "My Documents" and drag it on to your server. Now your e-book is online and you can sell it on your website. Once your customer pays for the e-book, send them the link to the pdf you just uploaded. It really is as simple as it seems.

Stephen Beck teaches you how to write an ebook and to create a "cash on demand" online business. Marketing information products has never been easier when you watch Steve's video.

Try to Software Guideline

What is Wifi?

The Wireless Fidelity invented by international organization with the aim to examining the companionability and endorsing. Wi-Fi interrelated to 802.11 standards, which was planned by the IEEE and create the beginning of wireless building. The wireless communication defines numerous ways to build up a connection between the transmitter and the receiver such as DSSS, FHSS, IR - Infrared and OFDM. In 1997 the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers introduced the 802.11 which carried higher capacities and world famous Cisco Systems or 3COM interested in this technology. At the start the price of Wifi was very high but in 2002 some product comes in market which has ability to do work in the new 802.11g standard, then in 2003 this standard got sanction of IEEE and come into view. With the uses of 802.11a and 802.11b now you can works like mobile ones and BSS cover your desired area by divided into cells controlled by AP.
Wi-Fi is liberty therefore you can connect to Internet from anywhere like home, office or a public place without any wire. Wi-Fi is much quicker than the modem and the usage of different amplifiers helpful to change our location within a large area. Through WiFi hotspot you can use wifi in home business because it is very simple in management. A Wi Fi hotspot is a location where wireless technology available for use to customers. In some cases it is free and some time carriers charge. The standard devices such as PCI, miniPCI, USB, Cardbus and PC card, ExpressCard makes it more convenient. Distance recorder as Ermanno Pietrosemoli and EsLaRed of Venezuela decrease used for distance purpose.

Embedded system that correspond with any other node on the internet. Wifi router enables a gateway to internet including Ethernet, switch, PCI card, hub, and DHCP.
There are different Wifi software tools in use. You can use Aircrack-ng if you are looking for multiple platforms. For windows use KNSGEM II, NetStumbler, OmniPeek, Stumbverter, WiFi Hopper, APTools, and if you are a user of Unix then Aircrack, Aircrack-ptw, AirSnort, CoWPAtty,Karma etc can be used.For Mac user MacStumble, KisMAC, Kismet are best .With the association of wifi tools your window become more usefull.

As we know Wifi use radio technologies offering a safe and consistent connectivity with 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio bands depend on the wireless hardware such Ethernet protocol and CSMA and CA facilitates path sharing. In the origin PSK was in use but now CCK frequently in use. There are different spectrum used in Wifi as FHSS and DSSS and various standard operating WiFi such as 802.11b which is most popular technology used by wireless network and operates 2.40 GHz - 2.4835 GHz band to operate bluetooth strategy, cellular phones, and scientific equipment, 802.11a have 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz range and provide up to 54 Mbps speed, 802.11g cover three non-overlapping channels and allow PBCC, 802.11e provide sufficient quality and offer video, audio, voice channel etc. You can connect to WiFi via adapter card and you have to know about SSID, infrastructure, and data encryption. The security secures your privacy by using MAC ID filtering, Static IP addressing, and WEP encryption.

TRy Next Academic

The Edge Provided by Metrics Software - Analysis

Metrics software analysis can give you that high-level edge to push your organization or company to the top of your field. With the increasing interest in the field of business intelligence and performance management has also come the development of ever more sophisticated software solutions. This makes the implementation of these objective, data based strategic management approaches not only easier, but also much more effective.

This trend in performance management of basing decisions on quantifiable metrics is not new but has been made more popular with the advent of computers. In this information age, people are getting more and more used to the concept of gathering, processing, and acting upon data from various sources. This concept has thus been more and more applied to business practices as well.

Metrics, as the term itself implies, are just parameters that can be determined and measured. In the field of business, these metrics are usually related to some aspect or other of organizational, departmental, or individual performance. In most cases, they are used in order to gauge the company's progress towards the goals it has formulated for itself. Based on how these metrics stand at any given point, management can then make informed decisions about the future course of the organization. That is, by continuously acting upon a steady stream of metrics data, blow by blow steering becomes more or less possible. This results to a very dynamic, flexible, and adaptable company, well suited to weathering our changing times.

Where do software tools come in? Well, in very small organizations, it might be possible to monitor metrics by hand, or by using simple recordkeeping such as physical logbooks. However, as organization size increases and as more and more metrics are to be considered, the problem becomes exponentially more complicated. No human could claim to be able to keep track of even just a single metric across an organization of thousands, for instance. Hence, computers, with their billions of operations per second and facility with handling large amounts of data, are the perfect tools. You would just need to use the right software, and your system of monitoring metrics should be up and running. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of options available in terms of the programs and utilities managers can choose to use to handle their metrics and other business data.

In fact, the more sophisticated among these programs will usually feature many analytic and so called data mining features. These would involve the computation of various statistics, and in general, the determination of patterns from the gathered data. By making smart use of this metrics software analysis, management will be able to get a more accurate sense of organizational performance. This will also help clarify the correlations and causal relationships between various factors and aspects of the organization that may affect performance. All in all, by being able to understand data better, management will be in the best possible position to make the best possible decisions, based on real time, up to date information.

Next Article Software Academic

The Benefits of Using Landscape Software

If you enjoy making your yard as beautiful as it can be or if you own a landscaping service, you may want to consider investing in landscape software.

What is landscape software?

Landscape software allows you to come up with new designs for your landscaping needs and to view them as a finished product to decide if they are right for you. It can be a major asset to someone who does landscaping projects on a regular basis. It can also save you from a lot of time and hard work only to realize that what you have done to the area is not what you were looking for.

So how does landscape software work?

With landscape software you first take a digital photo of the area to be worked on. Once you have done that you upload the photo on to your computer and into the software program. It then allows you to use different special effects to see how the area will look using each option. Once you have decided how you want the area to look, you are done! You know that you will like the finished product because you have already seen it. Which means no more surprises!

How much will landscape software cost me?

Landscape software products range drastically according to who manufactures the product and what kind of features you want on it. They can be as low as $9.95 or as high as $49.99. Your best option is to look around and compare the different products out there and decide which one is right for you. You may even stumble across a couple that will give you a free trial to see if you like the software before you purchase it.

Landscape software is one of the best tools to help you get an idea of what your area will look like when you are finished with it. The relative low cost will be worth it in the end. For more on landscaping, check out www.thelandscapingpro.com.

TRy Guideline Academic

DVD To MP4 Software - The Big Boom Of New DVD Technology

We are all familiar with MP3 files which cater more towards audio files in nature. However, with the vast development of technology, MP4 has been developed to cater more toward the video side as well. Now we all know that everyone wants to view video files into most formats that they can easily access and some look for DVD to MP4 files today so that they can watch movies and stuff through this new format introduced today.

The complications of adapting these different formats like DVD in to MP4 can simply be avoided by watching movies and stuff in the available format. But what will be gadgets without these conversion software? This is the main reason why many software companies are developing software that converts DVD in to MP4.

PSP is getting extensive promotions. You just cannot miss the pleasure and the luxury of watching films and stuff on this trustworthy gadget anywhere you may go. Apart from boasting rights, one can easily play-stop-play your pleasure of watching without skipping a single tune and beat.

Before forwarding you have to understand something important and that would be the conversion of DVD to PSP format. It would be a warm welcoming one if you are to do it much earlier. It is not a simple process even though a little technical aspect is involved in video conversion.

The growing demand for new technology and showboating or bragging about them to others is surely something up for consideration. Many would not understand the reasons behind them, but it is really more psychological in nature. Anyone can watch any file in the usual formats if they would be satisfied with such access and limitations. Sadly that is not the case.

The increasing demands for showboating and new technology are proud about them in comparison to others, this is certainly something to be considered. It is more psychological in nature that is why people do not realize the cause behind them. Everyone can easily watch movies and any other file in usual formats and set-ups if they are satisfied with its limitations and access. But it is sad to know that this is not at all the scene.

Zune format is latest of all advancements made where the media files and also other related files could be played in this format. There is also related software introduced for the conversion of DVD to Zune technology. The conversion software which are prevalent these days note the fact that everything present in the market are flexible according to our needs and could be converted to our own standards or forms.

Converting DVD to MP4 files can be easily done. Again, it just takes some research and downloads on the simplest software over the web today. This file format may be new to most, but the reality is it is already recognized and being catered to. This is perhaps why most people prefer to convert DVD to MP4 format.

Isaiah Henry is a writer on dvd ripper solutions. Visit DVDShrinkNow.com for more information on dvd copy and dvd ripper software like Nero review.

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you can get information about MP4 software at one bestsoftware

Free Photo Software Download Google

Picasa is Google's free photo software download. Picasa is an extremely useful software tool to organize, manage and edit your digital photos. Here are 4 reason why Picasa is one of the best free photo software download available.
1. Easy-to-Use - the application is so easy to use even for the most inexperienced computer user. The interface is simple and extremely intuitive. All the most common functions that average users would need are displayed as buttons. You can move photos around with a simple "click-and-drag." The application works in tandem with the Windows file tree which means that you can rename photos and cleanup folders within Picasa.
2. Photo Editing Tools - Picasa includes a set of decent photo editing tools which would suit most people. Picasa offers "Basic Fixes" which allow you to crop, remove "red eye" and adjust the lightening. You can also added more advance effects like changing the photo to black-and-white.
3. Picasa Web Albums - you can upload photos from Picasa straight to Picasa Web Albums from within the application. With Picasa Web Albums you are given 250Mb-1GB of storage for free. Picasa Web Albums allows you to share photos with friends by sending them a link via email.
4. Photo Printing - you also get the option to send your digital photos to 3rd party websites for printing. Google has partnered with most of the big photo printing sites like WalMart, Shutterfly and SnapFish. You will need to set up an account with one of these photo printing sites but once you have done this transferring the photos is pretty seamless.
Picasa is a great free photo software download choice for all but the most advanced digital camera users. It can be downloaded as part of Google Pack from the link below.

Richard Rogers is a PC enthusiast and runs a number of PC related sites. He recommends you download essential free software called Google Pack which includes Picasa.

See Free Web

10 Great Free Computer Software Programs and Applications (OK Some Of Them Are Cheap Software!)

If you're like me, you're curious about computer software and applications that weren't originally bundled with your computer and find an endless amount of relatively Cheap or Free Software offers online. These are my 10 personal favorites, which are indispensable to me. I've divided them into 2 Catagories: Free Software and Cheap Software.

Free Software and Applications I Love:

Auslogics Registry Defrag and Auslogics Disc Defrag - Actually these are two great free software applications - I've cheated and counted them as one! Auslogics Registry Defrag quickly compacts and optimizes your computers windows registry by removing extraneous gaps and wasted space which can greatly improve computer performance. Auslogics Disc Defrag quickly speeds up your computer and eliminates crashes by defragmenting the file system.

Belarc Advisor builds a privately detailed profile of your computers software and hardware along with missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, and Internet Security benchmarks. The results are displayed on your web browser. All of your profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

Mike's Marketing Tools Search Engine Rankings offers immediate, online web site rankings in 8 top search engines and web directories, including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Yahoo! Directory, and Open Directory (Dmoz). Great for anyone with a website.

Torrent Harvester searches for Torrents on multiple websites and compiles them on a single list. Torrent Harvester works similar to Google but is for Torrents only. If you right click a torrent on the list for certain torrent websites, the torrent will download without you having to leave the page.

VLC Media Player - I prefer VLC Media Player to Windows Media Player as it seems to play more multimedia formats (without adding more codecs)and for some reason seems to sound better on my computer as well (maybe this is my imagination!). VLC is a cross-platform media player supporting a large number of multimedia formats needing additional codecs. Features include video on demand and on the fly transcoding.

Cheap Software I Love (Under $40):

(ESET) NOD32 - Great anti-virus software that allows your computer to run faster then most computers running anti-virus software because it requires less memory and CPU power, making more room to surf the web, play games, email and more. It offers fast file scanning and product updates and runs quietly in the background while accurately identifying known and unknown threats. It is recognized for having zero false positives. Nod 32 ThreadSense Technology offers great internet protection from threats.

(Uniblue) Speed Up My PC easily ensures your PC is automatically optimized for maximum performance. It increased my broadband internet downloading speed greatly. Its 2008 software currently comes with free Uniblue System Tweaker software which speeds up start and shut down times and makes windows more stable and secure.

(TuneUp Utilities) 1-Click Maintenance quickly cleans up your registry and hard drive with one click. 1-Click Maintenance is part of this software and is the basic application I use from it.

(Webroot) Window Washer erases traces of websites you visited, cleans up your cache for browsers like IE, Firefox, Opera and more and removes extraneous files which slow down your computer speed.

(Rarlab) WinRar Is the perfect software for me to open up ZIP, RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip files. It is fast and great for multimedia files and automatically recognizes and selects the best the best compression.

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Electronic Evidence as the Smoking Gun

Electronic communications--particularly email--may contain a treasure trove of evidence in commercial litigation matters. There are three key reasons for this fact. First, email is a very informal means of communication. Why? I don't know, it just is. Though I personally insist on specific grammer and sentence structure in my "hardcopy" written correspondence, court pleadings, etc., in emails I sometimes choose not to follow the rules of written English.

Second, though intellectually many of us know it is not, email "feels" anonymous. I'm sure there have been studies conducted in effort to understand why email feels anonymous. Maybe it's because of the instantaneous nature of email--you can simply vent your emotions and knee-jerk reactions immediately and press the send button, rather than having time to reflect on your written thoughts as you otherwise would if you were forced to sit down and write a letter; sign it with your own hand; put it in an envelope; put a stamp on in it; and take it to the mailbox and mail it. Whatever the reason(s), the fact of the matter is that email does feel anonymous.

The third reason email evidence can contain critical evidence in a commercial litigation case: permanence and retrievability. Most people don't realize that when they "delete" an email from their email program it actually remains on the computer or network unless and until the portions of the computer's memory containing the email are overwritten by other information. You can be certain, however, that every single electronic commuincation you make--email or otherwise--is being recorded somewhere. Perhaps on your company's network server, perhaps at your Internet service provider, or perhaps on your own computer's hard drive. Savvy litigators know this fact and, depending the stakes of the case, you could end up receiving a letter such as this should your business find itself in a business dispute:

Dear Mr. John Doe:

This is a notice and demand that evidence identified below in paragraphs 2 through 5 must be immediately preserved and retained by you until further written notice from the undersigned. This request is essential, as a paper printout of text contained in a computer file does not completely reflect all information contained within the electronic file.

The continued operation of the computer systems identified herein will likely result in the destruction of relevant evidence due to the fact that electronic evidence can be easily altered, deleted or otherwise modified. THE FAILURE TO PRESERVE AND RETAIN THE ELECTRONIC DATA OUTLINED IN THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE AND WILL SUBJECT YOU TO LEGAL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AND/OR EVIDENTIARY AND MONETARY SANCTIONS.

For purposes of this notice, “Electronic Data” shall include, but not be limited to, all text files (including word processing documents), spread sheets, e-mail files and information concerning e-mail (including logs of e-mail history and usage, header information and “deleted” files), Internet history files and preferences, graphical image format (“GIF”) files, all other graphical format images, data bases, calendar and scheduling information, computer system activity logs, and all file fragments and backup files containing Electronic Data.

1. Please preserve and retain all Electronic Data generated or received by the following persons:

John Doe, CEO

Mary Smith, CFO

Bill Brown, COO

2. Please preserve and retain all Electronic Data containing any information about the following subjects:

Emails sent to or received from any employee or representative of ABC Company, DEF Company, or XYZ Company.

3. You must refrain from operating (or removing or altering fixed or external drives and media attached thereto) standalone personal computers, network workstations, notebook and/or laptop computers operated by the following persons:

John Doe, CEO

Mary Smith, CFO

Bill Brown, COO

4. You must retain and preserve all backup tapes or other storage media, whether on-line or off-line, and refrain from overwriting or deleting information contained thereon, which may contain Electronic Data identified in paragraphs 2 through 4.

In order to alleviate any burden upon you, we are prepared to immediately enlist the services of a computer forensic expert to image and examine all drives and media in your custody and control which may contain Electronic Data relevant to this matter. If you enlist your own computer forensics expert to generate evidentiary images of all electronic evidence identified above, demand is made that such expert utilize industry standard computer forensic software in order to facilitate and enable the processing and exchange of such evidence in this matter.

Should your company receive a letter like this, you should take it extremely seriously. Continuing to use any computers or other devices identified in such a letter will result in data being overwritten, which the courts would interpret as destruction of evidence. Destroying evidence can not only result in serious sanctions against the company or individual in the case at hand, as we saw during the Enron mess it can also result in criminal prosecution.

Henry J. Fasthoff, IV
Principal & General Counsel

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Learn To Type with Software

So who wants to learn to type? You! Here's a fun article to give you some incentive to give it a try. Touch typing software doesn't bite. ouch!! my computer does though - it's jealous... So you're thinking... hmmmm touch typing software, what's in it for me? How long does it take to learn to type?

Typing Software - Learn To Type

Typing software helps people that want to learn to type fast as they read. You will learn to touch type without looking down at your keyboard. This improves your writing as you focus what you have to say and type fast to get the job done quick. It' takes about ten hours or so to learn how to type 70 words per minute. Once you learn to type fast , you'll wonder "Why did it take me so long to learn to type?

Email Headaches? - Learn To Type

Does all that email drive you nuts? Me too! So learn to type fast and plow the email. Also, you can say more in chat rooms once you want to learn to type fast. Meet more people, join more discussion groups. Personally, I thought I would near learn to type and look at me now! At that's before the invention of typing software to teach you how to type.

Find a Better Job - Learn To Type

Once you learn to type fast, you'll be able to find a better job. People that learn to type are better qualified to handle certain jobs because they took the time to learn to type. You can too. It's easy and fun to learn to type with the online software programs and fun games.

Typing Software Download - Learn To Type

OK, so you ready to learn to type. How does it work? You visit a typing software site and download the touch typing software, It's easy to install and you can get started in minutes. The interactive typing software has fun games and exercises to help you learn to type. Just by downloading the typing tutor software, you’ll feel like you just passed your first typing test, - and you will pass other typing tests too!

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Independent Video in the Information Age

One of the primary obstacles for video content distribution over the Internet is the cost of specialized software required to encode video. Video encoding consists of converting video content into compressed digital data that can be easily distributed electronically.

There are several software development companies that sell closed source software for video encoding and content distribution. The cost and available features of the different software packages vary. Some software companies require additional royalty payments for use of their encoding software.

Thanks to the efforts of several software developers, there is free software that does not require royalty payments. This software can be used for both commercial and non commercial projects.

NullSoft Video

Justin Frankel, the creator of the Winamp media software player, also developed NullSoft video. This format was specifically designed for distributing video media through the Internet and is based on the Shoutcast Internet protocol.

Both open source and closed source video codecs are supported by NullSoft video. Codecs are software programs that allow media to be digitally encoded or decoded using a specific compression architecture. These video codecs include the VP3 open source and the VP6.1 / VP6.2 closed source. The MP3 and AAC audio codecs are supported as well. The VP3 video and MP3 audio codecs are included with the NullSoft video tools download.

A free set of tools for encoding and streaming video through the Internet using NullSoft video was also created. You can download the NullSoft video tools package direct from the NullSoft web site. (http://www.nullsoft.com/nsv). You can download a updated version of the NullSoft video tools here : (http://www.scvi.net/software.htm). This update includes the latest Lame MP3 audio encoder, software improvements and access to a updated version of the VP3 video codec.

NullSoft video content can be streamed through the Internet with the following free media server software :

Shoutcast DNAS (http://www.shoutcast.com/download)
Icecast (http://www.icecast.org)
Steamcast (http://www.steamcast.com)

(http://www.scvi.net) is the unofficial information resource website for NullSoft video.
You can find many tutorials, guides and third party software tools to download here.

There are several media software players that can view the NullSoft video format.
These include :

Winamp : (http://www.winamp.com)

Video Lan Client : (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/)

Mplayer : (http://www.mplayerhq.hu)

Xine : (http://xinehq.de)

X box : (http://www.xboxmediacenter.com)

NullSoft video can also be deployed with ActiveX components for web site use. This will allow people to watch NullSoft video without the need for installing additional player software.

Theora Video

The Theora video project is being developed as a complete open source video solution. The group behind this project is (http://www.xiph.org.) This format uses the Theora video codec (http://www.theora.org) and the Ogg Vorbis audio codec (http://www.vorbis.com).

The Theora video project uses the Theora video codec which is based upon the VP3 video codec developed by ON2. The Theora video codec offers core architectural improvements to provide better video encoding and playback performance.

Both live and pre recorded video can be distributed via the Internet using Theora video.

Theora video content can be streamed through the Internet with the following free media server software :

Icecast (http://www.icecast.org)

JRoar (http://www.jcraft.com/jroar)

Flumotion (http://www.flumotion.com/download)

Steamcast (http://www.steamcast.com)

There are several media software applications that can play the Theora video format.
These include :

Video Lan Client : (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/)

Mplayer : (http://www.mplayerhq.hu)

Xine : (http://www.xinehq.de)

Xbox Media Center : (http://www.xboxmediacenter.com)

Real (Player) Alternative : (http://www.free-codecs-com/download/Real_alternative.htm)

Theora video can also be deployed with Java components for web site use. This will allow people to watch Theora video without the need for installing additional player software.

Tim Gnatek of the New York Times wrote a article entitled "Internet TV: Don't Touch That Mouse!".


This article highlights some of the problems associated with content delivery via the Internet. These problems include how independent broadcasters will be able to "keep up with viewer demand, given the cost of the servers and Internet connections required" in addition to "How do you get it (video content) from your garage to the Web?''

These barriers on the information superhighway are being removed by Internet video stations using alternative media distribution methods.

Some of these alternative methods include :

P2P video streaming

P2P video streaming does not require a centralized server architecture for content distribution. Each client that views the video content automatically relays it to the next person requesting access to the video. This greatly reduces the need for large amounts of bandwidth for content delivery.

Unlike P2P file trading, P2P video streaming can be used to broadcast live video content using several encoding formats and is supported on various computer operating systems.

Video podcasting

Video podcasting allows people to publish video content via a web host with no specialized server software. A specialized data client using Really Simple Syndication provides users access to the most current video content. The video content can be downloaded on a computer or hand held media device for viewing at a later time.

You can use both NullSoft video and Theora video for video podcasting.

Dave Childers is a freelance Internet broadcast consultant, writer and the webmaster of http://www.scvi.net, the Winamp TV / NullSoft video information website.

Article Full Version Games

The Birth of a Successful Internet Business: Part Three of Ten -- Essential Software

An essential part of running a successful Internet business is quality software. Software will play a major roll in your success. You must be willing to invest in the software you'll need to assist you in running your business.

Email Program

The first and most important software you'll need is a quality email program. Although most Internet Service Providers include email accounts for their customers, these accounts aren't adequate for an Internet business -- especially if you get a large amount of email. Not only do the email addresses contain your ISP's name, but they are also very limited on features and options.

There are many email programs available on the Internet. However, the best program I've found is Eudora. Eudora is a standalone email program that works with any ISP. It will enable you to easily organize your email by filtering your messages into specific mailboxes. This feature alone can save you a great deal of time. What's more, your email address will be your own domain -- not someone else's.



Mailing List Software

Collecting your visitors' email address is one of the most important parts of developing a successful Internet business. You must develop a database of potential customers if you truly want to succeed. Publishing an ezine is a great way to accomplish this. In order to do so, you must have a good mailing list program that will enable you to send your potential customers personalized messages.



Group Mail


If you're using a software program that resides on your computer, you'll also need a good form processing script to enable your visitors to subscribe:

Master Form


If you're an American Online customer, you won't be able to use a software program that runs on your computer. You'll need to use a program that runs with your web browser.

1-2-All Broadcast Email


Subscribe Me


HTML Editor

Your website is the storefront of your business and is one of the most important factors in determining your success. In order to design your website, you'll need to get a good HTML editor.

Coffee Cup








Microsoft Frontpage


Before you begin the actual design process, I highly recommend that you download and install two web browsers -- Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. These are the two most widely used browsers on the Internet. However, they are not created equally. Your page might look great when viewed through Internet Explorer, but may not display well when viewed through Navigator. It is very important that you view your website through both browsers, and design your pages accordingly.

Internet Explorer


Netscape Navigator


Graphics Editor

Graphic design is an intimidating subject for many Internet entrepreneurs. However, most of us must learn some basic design techniques in order to avoid the high costs of hiring a professional designer.

In order to create or edit your graphics, you'll need to invest in a good graphics program. The most popular program used by Internet marketers is Paint Shop Pro. This powerful program is the only program you'll need to design professional looking graphics.

Paint Shop Pro


Zip/Unzip Program

Zip files are used to compress and transport file archives over the Internet. It is the preferred method used for electronic file distribution, as rather than downloading several different files, you can simply download one Zip file. In addition, the download time will be minimized, as the files within the Zip archive are compressed.

Once a Zip file is downloaded, it can be easily opened and extracted (unzipped) with a Zip/Unzip software program.

Although there are many Zip software programs available on the Internet, WinZip is the most popular. WinZip makes working with file archives simple.



FTP Program

File Transfer Protocol, better known as FTP, is a procedure used to upload and download files to and from your web server.

In order to use FTP, you'll need to download and install a software program on your computer. The most widely used FTP program is WS FTP Pro.



Text Editor

Text editors have a variety of uses such as writing HTML, editing scripts, and writing EzineArticles -- just to name a few. NotePad is an excellent text editor and is most likely already installed on your computer. However, it can't handle large files and is better suited for smaller files. You may find that you'd like an editor that is a little more powerful. I use a great program called NoteTab Pro. This powerful editor will enable you to edit large files, format your text, convert your text to HTML, and even includes a spellchecker and thesaurus.

NoteTab Pro


Ad Tracking

Testing and tracking your marketing strategies is an essential part of your success. I recommend using a great script called LnkinLite. It's simple to use and will assist you in tracking all of your strategies.



Financial Management

In order to keep track of your business financial matters, you'll need to invest in a good financial management software. The best program I've found is Quicken. However, as this program is very difficult to use and understand, you may want to use a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, and set up your own system.



Tax Program

Filing your taxes and keeping up with the ever-changing tax laws can be very intimidating. However, if you keep good records and use a good tax program, you can file your taxes with ease. I highly recommend using Turbo Tax. This great program will make the process a lot easier and even enable you to file your taxes electronically. What's more, it will even allow you to import your Quicken files.

Turbo Tax


Although this list of software is far from complete, it will provide you with a basic guideline to get you started.

If you're serious about your business and you really want to succeed, purchasing software is an absolute must. Do your homework and select software that best suits your needs. It will be well worth the investment.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

About the Author:

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, "Web Design Mastery" (http://www.webdesignmastery.com) and "eBook Starter - Give Your eBooks the look and feel of a REAL book" (http://www.ebookstarter.com)

Visit http://www.Web-Source.net to sign up for a complimentary subscription to eTips and receive a copy of Shelley's acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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Keeping the Windows Registry Operational By Cleaning It Regularly

The registry is where the computer stores information about the configuration of the system and the programs installed so that the operating system can use them.

Regularly maintaining the registry is a basic requirement. Fixing problems after they occur is harder than preventing them in the first place. Windows registry problems can cause crashes, slow performance and error messages.

If you:

- Install or uninstall software on a regular basis

- have not removed software correctly

- have embedded Spyware or any third party programs that start up again with each boot [whether you installed them or not]

- have installed or uninstalled hardware

- you have drivers on your system that are no longer needed.

Then you absolutely need to be cleaning your windows registry regularly! All the above leave trace elements of themselves behind that build up over time and choke the registry. Think of it as like dusting. Don't dust and you end up with dust bunnies, allergies and sneezing; you don't feel well and you slow down... Get the picture?

Back up your registry. Basic rule of thumb in the computing world - Back Up, Back Up, Back Up. System meltdowns and viruses can require the complete reinstalling of windows on your computer, which means you run the risk of losing all your files. Keep them safe. Back them up.

1. Don't try and edit anything in the registry yourself unless you are completely familiar with it and with the system

2. Programs are available that can be installed and set to fix and reguarly maintain your registry. Search online or drop in to your local computer store.

3. Call in a professional. Ask your friends for a reliable technician or look one up in the Yellow Pages

Next Articles Games For Free

Open Source Software (OSS) and Its Uses

What is Open Source Software?

Open Source Software (OSS) is software that is available under a special license that allows everyone to access the program code as well as the executable program. This means that anyone is able to edit the program code and therefore customise the software for their own needs.

This ability to access the source code is protected by the license under which the software is released. There is a great many Open Source licenses, but they all have one thing in common, they protect the right of the user of the software to access and modify it in any way they desire.

This ability to modify applications is in direct contrast to the Closed Source Software model. In Closed Source only the creator of the application has access to the source code, and therefore, only the creator is able to modify the application.

Being able to change the way an Open Source Software application operates is critical in many business environments. No two businesses are identical and therefore it is unlikely that any one piece of software will satisfy the needs of all potential users. Without the ability to modify their software a company is restricted in its operations by that software.

While it is true that no two businesses are identical, it is also true that there are a great many common business practices that are repeated across organisations. These common practices can be well served by "standard" software. The remaining practices, those that are different from competitors are, typically, the ones that give a business an advantage in the marketplace.

Since these non-standard practices are key to the organisations success it is critical that any software solutions adopted by the company also support these non-standard processes. It is in this need to adapt software to a companies specific needs that makes Open Source Software attractive. Since the company has access to the source, the application can be freely adapted to suit the unique requirements of each user.

Who Pays for Open Source Development?

The ability to customise software is critical to allow an organisation to continue to improve their business processes, but how does a company afford to pay for such customisations?

One of the side effects of allowing any user access to the source code is that the cost of acquiring the software in the first instance is massively reduced. In most cases the source code is available for no cost. This enables the user to divert resources normally allocated to pay software license fees into enhancing the software.

A successful Open Source Software project has a large community of software developers. Many of these developers work as independent contractors and can be employed to customise the software, alternatively, if a company has internal developer resources, they can leverage those skills to perform the customisations.

Does it Really Work?

This all sounds fantastic, but does it really work? Are there Open Source Applications in use in the real world?

Here are a few facts to convince you that it most certainly does work:

- Around 70% of web sites are served by the Open Source Apache HTTPD server.

- In a 2002 survey it was found over 31% of UK and nearly 42% of German companies were using or planning to use OSS.

- In 2001, Debian (an Open Source Operating System), contained over 55 million lines of code and was estimated to have consumed over 14,000 person years in development time. That is a development cost of around 1.89 Billion Dollars (US) yet it is still available with no license fees.

Try Read FUll GAmes

Is Free Spyware Software Effective?

Did you know that you can remove spyware for free? It is absolutely true, and millions of people have been removing their own spyware through the use of free spyware removal programs. By using free antispyware programs, you are able to save money and time from researching for antispyware programs. Free programs that have been used by most people are Spybot Search and Destroy and Ad-Aware Free. These programs were highly effective in removing spyware.

Unfortunately, as spyware has evolved and got "smarter", free spyware programs just don't cut it. There are no way more advanced spyware programs out there and they just don't get caught by the free programs. You see, since these programs are free, they don't have any funding to hire technicians to update the program, find new patches, and discover ways to prevent spyware from infecting your computer.

However, with paid antispyware programs, they have the proper funding to hire technicians, update the software in timely manners, and keep you protected from the latest threats. This is why I believe that paid antispyware programs are much better compared to free spyware software. Since they have the proper funding, they are going to better, more efficient, and keep you more secure.

You may find that there is a lot of spyware removal programs to pick from. Some are good, some aren't. I'd personally recommend you research the spyware removal programs before purchasing. It's really unfortunate when you spend money on a program that turns out to be absolute junk.

Andrew Polak is a security expert on spyware removal. Andrew runs a site that reviews the top antispyware programs. He's spent thousands of dollars on antispyware programs to review them and put together his extensive antispyware review site.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Fix Computer Blue Screen of Death With a Registry Cleaner

Ever got a call in the middle of the night, from any panicked user telling you that they've got a big blue screen and nothing else on their system. Users who've gone through this torture usually refer to this as the blue screen of death and it's a common.

Most of the time there's only one solution to this problem and its reboot your server to get rid of the nasty blue screen and then try a registry cleaner. Some users who've had to deal with the problem on their own commonly call this as the, "blue screen of death." Actually that's not very far from the truth, either! But there's good news for newer users. Windows has managed to revamp the system to get rid of quite a few of the problems with registry cleaners as well as other tools, to avoid the blue screen popping up so often.

However there's always once in the life time, for every computer with Windows, to undergo the Blue screen of death. If you're lucky you will be able to get away with a simple reboot but some times not. But most of the time the blue screen of death is a signal of worse things to come along .In fact you can call it a bad omen! But nonetheless, here are few things you can do to fix your blue screen of death as soon as possible. You can consider these tips as a potential walk through for any blue screen you might get on your computer.

A typical blue screen has a glaring blue appearance designed to catch your attention to a potential problem in your computer. There is a weird listing of hexadecimal statistics, as well as totally unhelpful tip slung in there to help you out. It's a hideous appearance and it's guaranteed to cause you problems. But each blue screen has four main sections and you have to familiar with each. The main part lists the real error note.

The next part has the numbers of the Microsoft® Windows NT® component which are at present in its memory. The third part presents the parts of the Windows component which were going to be loaded when the errors occurred. The last part states the current condition of the Kernel Debugger.

If you're wondering why Blue screens of death occur, then the answers are many! Like software or newer device drivers which you have installed in to your computer to get them to do several additional jobs.

These newer programs may be interfering with the normal functioning resulting in errors. It can also be because of hardware mechanism faults or some error of Windows, or even if your new hardware is not really compatible with the XP software and does not support all the work load that XP assumes it will support. In that case a hardware stop error is very common. Outdated BIOS information on older computers is also very commonly at fault and cause the blue screen of death.

Why don't you just stop worrying about that and let the artificial intelligence software to fix the errors for you? Scan your computer for free at Free computer Scan.

Colleen Anderson is a career woman who just wants to share how she has a fast performing computer after having registry cleaner installed on her computer. Tasks can be done earlier and no more headache. Check out her recommendation at Windows Registry Cleaner.

Try read Software Planning

Registry Clean XP - Preserve Your Computer's Life Now!

Windows XP is one of the most renowned operating system used by millions of people worldwide. If you are searching for a windows XP cleaner then you have to specifically look for a compatible one. Registry cleaners are considered vital in almost all types of operating system. Registry serves as a backbone and a large database where all pertinent information are stored and kept and if this becomes corrupt and damaged the rest of your programs will be harmed and will not function properly.

Registry clean XP is deemed as one of the best possible solution to employ when your computer seem to be running at a somewhat slow moving pace. However, prior to installing windows XP software, an outline of some of the best features to look for in an idyllic cleaner is vital.

For the most part, you have to ensure that registry clean XP is easy to use. This entails a cleaner that is easy to install or download coupled with simple interface precept. Windows XP has a registry editor and making use of this editor is salient in order to properly manage and make alterations if necessary with regards to your entries. However, utilizing registry editor necessitates a comprehensive grasp of all technical jargons as well as technical applications. Given this state, it would be less complicated to search for dependable software to serve as major back up to all your entries. Understanding that you cannot do the cleaning alone and would require a help of software is a salient factor to take careful considerations of.

The next important feature that you should take into account when choosing for the finest registry clean XP is the back up of your entire registry. Keep in mind that the moment you decide on performing some scanning and cleaning, the right kind of software providing registry backup should be an utmost concern.

Another vital feature that registry clean XP should possess is the modification option. The kind of software that you have to choose should display the list of registry that needed some fixing. Thus, proper identification of which ones requiring major fix and which ones does not will guide you through the entire process of cleaning up. Since this is somewhat a crucial thing to perform, your software company should also need to be easily accessed to provide you with the right kind of assistance should there be unforeseen cases that might transpire in the process of scanning your registry.

Once you've fully identify all the features that your software should possess, the next thing is to install it and allow the software to employ a check of your registry and scan your system. When everything is set and all entries have been cleaned you will begin to see the transformation of your computer. The once slow running programs and applications are now as fast as the first time you had your computer.

Registry clean XP is a way towards saving your computer to harmful threats. In the absence of this software, the life span of your central processing unit will be ephemeral.

Tired of your slow computer? Do you wish there was a way you could fix it today? You can by instantly fixing it with Registry Clean XP. Go to http://www.Registry-Cleaners-Exposed.com to receive your free download and learn exactly why your computer is running slow.

try read Software Planning

Friday, March 27, 2009

Selecting a good Stock Trading Software

There are so many different stock trading software packages on the market that you could try a different one, every day of the year, and never run the same one twice.

Many trading professionals use some type of stock trading software to keep their emotions in check and to enable them to focus on their stock trading strategy while avoiding the effects of fear and greed.

Depending upon the program that you choose, stock trading software can help you in the following areas:

  • Identify Channel Breakouts
  • Generate high probability mechanical buy/sell signals
  • Control your dollar risk
  • Forecast new tops and bottoms with great accuracy
  • Reveal trading trends for any time frame
  • Timing Bands to forecast the dates/times for the next cycle high, and cycle low.
  • Curb your tendencies toward Fear and Greed

The nice thing about using stock trading software is that is has no emotions. It doesn't love or hate the stock that you own and it doesn't want to get rich. It simply crunches numbers and tells you what it "thinks" about when to buy, sell, or hold. And while it is not flawless, it's a lot smarter than most of us are.

Stock trading software is not really a necessity if you are investing in stocks and will be holding them for long periods of time. If, however, you are day, swing, or position trading, then it is an absolute requirement for you to be able to watch every up and down ticks, monitor your short positions, and stay on top of your stop loss settings. This is where stock trading software excels.

Before selecting a stock trading software package, download and try it out first. If the program that you are considering doesn't have a free trial, or a 100% money-back guarantee, then pass and look for another. Software that doesn't meet your requirements isn't going to do you a bit of good.

Although there are software packages that specialize in one particular function, such as providing real-time stock quotes, for example, you would be better off to select an all-in-one package that provides everything you need to make informed decisions. As a minimum, your stock trading software should provide the following:

  • The opening price of the day in each market to determine price direction.
  • Telltale signs in the market that signal a breakout to the upside (or downside if trading short) is coming and allow you to position yourself to profit with the move.
  • Moving average monitoring that shows you the average price of a security over a specified time period (the most common being 20, 30, 50, 100 and 200 days), used in order to spot pricing trends by flattening out large fluctuations.
  • Trigger monitor that will alert you to preset events such as such as reaching a specified price target or some other event that alerts you to take prescribed action.
  • Pattern Identification so you can identify patterns in any market and use them to your advantage. This gives you a greater chance of selling at the top and buying at the bottom of the markets.

Stock trading software is a must have for all serious investors. You cannot afford to trade in today's markets without having the impartial advice and inside intelligence that a good software trading system provides.

You can try read Software Planning

Small Business Software Shopping Tips

Choosing the right small business software for your home-based
internet business can be a confusing undertaking to say the
least. It's a good thing most women love to shop because
otherwise it could be really frustrating. The challenge in
choosing small business software is striking a balance between
what you have to have and what you can afford. There are many
small business software packages that have a number of features
included, even though you may not use all of them. Then, there
are some that are sold in individual modules where you buy only
what you need.

The first step in shopping for small business software is to
distinguish between what you need now, what you want, and what
you might need in the future. The second step is to define your
budget. Never start buying small business software until these
two steps are done. Otherwise, you are likely to buy some of
those things you want, rather than the things you definitely
need, and then you'll end up with a busted budget and you won't
have the small business software that is crucial to running your

At a minimum, most businesses need a recordkeeping system, a word
processor and an email program. Other small business software
packages you may or may not need include spreadsheet programs,
database programs, web design and graphic design programs, time
management programs, and desktop publishing programs.

Some small business software packages, like Microsoft® Office
products for instance, have several basic programs that are most
commonly used by small businesses packaged in one small business
software package. Some of the basic recordkeeping or bookkeeping
packages also have several commonly used components included in a
low-priced package. If these small business software suites have
what you need, in addition to things you will need in the future,
sometimes it is most practical to purchase them rather than
buying individual small business software products that may be
more expensive.

Before you spend a dime on small business software, familiarize
yourself with the types of software that are available and their
features as well as their benefits. You may find that there are
software packages that can save you loads of time in operating
your home-based business even if you didn't previously know what
they were or what they were capable of doing. Research is vital
when choosing small business software for your company.

Here is a quick overview of the very basic, commonly used small
business software:

Word Processors

Word processing capabilities are something that just about every
business needs from its small business software. Word processors
are primarily used for preparing written communication such as
letters and reports. Word processing software can also be used to
prepare information products and web copy for your internet based

Most word processing programs have spelling and grammar checkers
which are important to ensuring that your communications are
grammatically correct. Some word processing programs don't have
these features, so that is something to watch for when reviewing
small business software that will be used for preparing business

Email Programs

Many of the small business software packages that include email
programs. A basic email program is usually included with computer
operating systems. Some of the more advanced email packages
include time-saving organizational features that are great for
small businesses. For instance, some have contact organizers with
the capability of grouping your contacts so you can send email
messages to a particular group.

Some have built in SPAM filters that will send junk mail directly
to a junk mail folder, and some have features that automatically
organize your messages into folders for you. While a basic email
program may be sufficient, some of the more advanced email
programs can sure save a lot of time and aggravation.

Recordkeeping Programs

For most businesses, recordkeeping is accomplished through the
use of small business software programs designed for accounting
or bookkeeping, although recordkeeping can be accomplished using
database or spreadsheet programs. A comprehensive recordkeeping
package will have modules for tracking sales and expenses as well
as paying bills and managing accounts receivable.

If you have employees, you need payroll processing capabilities
and if you carry inventory, you need inventory control features.
Some bookkeeping programs integrate with reports from online
sources like eBay® or Elance®, so if you are working with such
marketplaces it may be wise to see what types of recordkeeping
programs are capable of uploading their reports. This capability
will save you lots of data input time.

There are many other types of small business software that you
may find useful. For instance, if you are going to be designing
your own websites, you will need an HTML editor and website
design software. The trick to getting the small business software
that you need is to determine exactly what you are going to do,
then evaluate small business software packages and explore the
numerous capabilities of each. Compare the features, benefits and
prices, and select the small business software that best meets
your needs within your budget.

You can try read software meal planning

Three Great Tips For Handling PDF Conversions

1. Zamzar launches a pretty nifty file conversion service

I wanted to scrape a graphic from a PDF file and I was searching online for my options. Normally one looks for a packaged option, downloadable, and I was sorting through the free and not so free, the working and not so working and I came across this little gem called Zamzar. It’s a service, rather than software, and they do one or two of the niftiest things going. First, they translate my PDF files into just about any file format I could wish for. This was what I wanted in the first place, but they also offered to do little other things that were neat, like send me a file that they can scrape off Youtube! I like that. Let me go aside for a paragraph and then back to Zamzar.

I pulled Paul Tobey’s Music Box Dancer, which is a jazzed up version of the classic off and now I can listen to it on my PDA when I don’t have internet access. One of the comments said it best for me: “I like both versions. These guys are just having a great jam session having fun with a tune that lends itself to such things.” Over 22,000 views can’t be wrong! Paul is an interesting guy. I met him at one of his Internet Marketing Courses, and after about three hours, realized that he wasn’t just teaching me how to do Search Engine Optimization, but he was also teaching me about copy writing, etiquette, strategy, how to close sales, and just plain Internet business sense. His Music Box dancer is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmqgNKB1uog and you can look over his internet marketing course at http://www.trainingbusinesspros.com/. But that’s not why I’m writing this. Through Paul, I found a great practical use for Zamzar and this is how it fits usefully into my life.

Zamzar is a pretty neat converter. It's free. You go to www.zamzar.com and simply upload your file. Shortly afterwards, Zamzar emails you a link back. You follow that link and download the converted file. It's free, and pretty easy!

Zamzar does the following conversions to PFD and back. The entire list, which includes images, audio and video!

• convert PDF to doc - Microsoft Word Document
• convert PDF to html - Hypertext Markup Language
• convert PDF to odt - OpenDocument Text Document
• convert PDF to pcx - Paintbrush Bitmap Image
• convert PDF to png - Portable Network Graphic
• convert PDF to ps - Postscript document
• convert PDF to rtf - Rich Text Format
• convert PDF to txt - Text document

• convert csv to PDF Comma Separated Values
• convert doc to PDF Microsoft Word Document
• convert docx to PDF Microsoft Word 2007 Document
• convert odp to PDF OpenDocument presentation
• convert ods to PDF OpenDocument spreadsheet
• convert odt to PDF OpenDocument Text Document
• convert ppt to PDF Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
• convert pptx to PDF Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation
• convert ps to PDF Postscript document
• convert rtf to PDF Rich Text Format
• convert wpd to PDF WordPerfect Document
• convert wps to PDF Microsoft Works Document
• convert xls to PDF Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
• convert xlsx to PDF Microsoft Excel 2007 Spreadsheet

The thing that I really like about Zamzar is that they are new and coming up with new stuff all the time. It also seems to convert WordPerfect documents into Word documents and Word documents into WordPerfect Documents which can be very handy if you are in a WordPerfect shop.

I'll use Zamzar occasionally. However, I'm not sure I want to ship my corporate or personal information to Zamzar or off into some unknown place in the Interweb, but I sure like it for what it does. I'll stick to MyPDFCreator for the business critical and personal stuff, but Zamzar is a great tool in the toolbox!

2. PDF Etiquette: It's the right thing!

Just because you have PDF doesn't mean you have to use it! When should one use PDF and when should one stick to POT (Plain old Text)

PDF is great when you want to send an uneditable document. Examples include quotations, invoices, legal documents, and ebooks PDF is also outstanding for sending documents for which the presentation layout is crucial, like annual reports.

However, anytime that you email an attachment, it requires extra clicks to open it, and people tend not to do extra clicks. They miss the attachment, or they don't want to open attachments for fear of viruses, or, if they are on an old computer, opening up large PDF or other files can slow down and stop a computer. If you are sending a birthday party initiation or something casual, put it in the email. Don't use any attachment at all.

3. In Software, "Feature Rich" can be a "Bloated Pig"!

Make sure that the software you are using isn't loaded down with options you'll never use. If you buy, for example, Adobe Professional for $449.00 you are getting the most complete feature rich, product available. This is great when you want to "Design forms to collect and aggregate data through e-mail or on the web" for example. But if 100% you are going to do falls in the realm of "create a Word Document or a PowerPoint show and convert it to PDF and back" then you don't need to spend most of the $449.00 and you don't need to have to struggle through the myriad of options that the "Feature Rich" software offers you, and you don't need to go on a three day training course. Buy the bacon, not the whole hog!

You can try read software download

Monday, March 23, 2009

Leveraging the Power of Software Process Models - A Mechanism for Improvement

What is a process model?

Software process models are essentially synonymous with that of a traditional process model; defining a series of events or outcomes as a set process. The process, defines the steps involved and the model pieces these steps or processes together, usually bringing some global benefit to the process as a whole.

Generally speaking, process modeling is either descriptive; describes what actually happens during a process, prescriptive; defines processes and how they should/could or might otherwise be performed, or explanatory; provides explanations about the rationale of processes and attempts to establish links between processes and the requirements that they are to fulfill.

The benefit of a process model

The secret to improving anything is to understand what it is you are trying to improve. Sounds simple but how often do you try and improve something without really knowing what it does. Similar to the notion that you can’t really know where you are going until you know where you coming from, going back to your grass roots can often bring focus, clarity and meaning. With respect to process models, it means looking at a process model or set of tasks/actions (endeavoring to create a process model) in order to fully understand its hidden and embedded intricacies.

Understanding how the processes flow from one to another or how they otherwise interrelate is paramount to understanding where and what processes can be improved upon.

Where do they come from and to what do they apply?

There are many different software process models that define, capture and structure a series of individual tasks or processes. Just look at typical software development life cycle models. Many of them have similar process in them, ranging from requirements requisition/analysis, solution designing, implementing, testing, deploying and maintaining.

What I’m looking at though is not necessarily life cycle models themselves, but rather the process of applying and using process models. Almost any process can be improved by defining it formally, performing it, analyzing it and improving it.

Maybe you want to look at individual practices of testing, deploying, documenting or some other process. If you are not working it as a process than chances are there is room for improvement. Why? You probably are not aware of every little action that happens because you have never purposefully looked at all the tasks that take place during the process execution.

Recognise and formalise

Whatever it is you do, recognise and formalise the practices that are commonly undertaken as part of performing the desired process. Assuming you have a process model in place that allows you to analyse the result of each and every task or process in your model, you need to first start by performing the process. At this stage you are not looking to optimize or improve anything, you are just looking to carry out every step in your process model as it would normally be done. This then gives you a baseline to compare your results to on future runs.

Analyze each and every process

Analyze each and every process or sub process (processes within the process that make up the process as a whole) within the model, taking notes, metrics and other relevant information where possible. Notice how the process is performed, what information it relies on. Who does it interact with? Are there a lot of steps involved? How many outcomes can be produced at the end?

The more pieces of information you gain here the easier you will find it later on when you are looking at the bigger picture, trying to assess how the processes inter connect and how much they rely upon each other, if at all.

Factor out the difference

Upon future runs or execution of the process, factor out or pay special attention to tasks or results that differ. These can either have little or no result on the process as a whole (after all, they don’t occur all the time) or they may be able to be defined more clearly so that they are a member or expected part of the process. When you begin to notice what differs you begin to notice what matters.

A Process of improvement

Process models are a good tool or mechanism for improving the result or outcome of a process by defining, capturing and analyzing the results it produces. Anything that can be defined, captured and analyzed can be improved. We tend to look for process models for large tasks that involve many smaller complicated tasks. Why? The three step process, to some point (depending on the processes involved), helps remove a level of uncertainty (by clearly defining and formalizing the underlying process undertaken), organises and brings structure to a set of routines (by defining process flow).

The key to take away from this is where you want to improve a set of tasks or routines consider formalizing it into a measurable process. Create flow charts, mind maps, whatever helps the process.

Try REad Software

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Best Free Photo Editing Software

Of the free image editors we have tested our favorite is PhotoPlus 6 by Serif. It allows you to fix and enhance your digital photos in a variety of ways. In addition you can create high quality bitmap images and even web animations. For these reasons it beat out the field of six or so products that can be considered free photo editors.

With PhotoPlus 6 you can enhance your digital pictures with easy creative tools, including: paintbrush, airbrush, clone, smudge and erase. To give you total control there are adjustable brush settings for size, shape, softness and fade. Few free programs allow you to work with layers. PhotoPlus 6 lets you apply bevels and drop shadows to create sophisticated-looking text and images. You can even use the layer manager to make additions and enhancements to images without affecting the originals picture, just like the professional software such as Photoshop CS3! We found it easy to adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness, color hue, saturation, remove red-eye and more! You can enhance, repair and tweak your photos for consistently great results time after time. The flexible and fun deform tool lets you rotate, resize, skew, reshape and add perspective to any selection or even specific layers. This feature is powerful, yet easy to master, providing amazing results. For professional results you can add editable, deformable text to your images and further enhance your text with stunning drop shadows and even create bevel effects. A feature we use on some of our websites is the ability to easily create animated GIFs for websites and presentations. With PhotoPlus this is easier than you think. You could pay a lot for this feature alone!

Another image editor that we like is PaintNET. This program just keeps getting better and better yet in some ways it is also getting easier and more intuitive to use. It features a number of automatic adjustments but as often is the case you will get better results if you take manual control and use your own judgement as to what looks better. This free product like PhotoPlus 6 above, allows you to work in sophisticated ways with layers. Mistakes are no problem with an unlimited undo feature.

The final product we would like to mention is GIMP for Windows. This is an open source product that is constantly evolving. We found it a little difficult to get installed properly but once installed we discovered it to be quite powerful and especially appreciated the dozens of tutorials available. We have used this product to retouch a number of photos with great results.

While none of these free products have even close to the feature set of a product like Photoshop they still will allow you to quickly and easily make sophisticated improvements to your digital images without spending hours figuring out how to make the program work! You may want to install a couple of these free image editing programs to allow you to take advantage of the specific strengths each has to offer.

Visit http://allfreebiesoftware.com/photo-software to find a download link for the free software mentioned in this article. You also will find information about some of the other free photo editing and sharing software available. The home page http://allfreebiesoftware.com will also help you locate and download the best free POS software, free CD burning software, free small business accounting software and much more!

The author Dave Jacobs has had a love-hate relationship with computers ever since he purchased his first computer, a Commodore 64 in the early 80's

Dave is an 'advanced amateur' photographer who currently has over 10,000 photographs stored on his various computers. Dave takes most of his pictures with a Canon Digital Rebel XT. To contact Dave visit on the websites mentioned above. Dave does most of his basic image editing with PhotoPlus 6.

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The SONO Digital Media Player

Digital technology like computers, Ipods & Internet access are changing the way we get to listen to music. Whether we agree or not, most of us are using the resources given by the internet to get the music we want, either by downloading mp3s or finding our favorite radion station online. Computers are becoming more and more important for most of us to listen to music.

A recent Forrester report indicates that there would be 35 million online radio users by the end of the century. One in five people say that they listen to Internet radio on their computers.

Consider the fact that Internet radio is loaded with more than 10,000 online stations; it can repackage live and stored collections to equip the emerging digital audio user with more niche content and also give the user single click access to the digital content available on the Internet.

Using Internet radio

Listening to internet radio is more convenient than choosing to play your own music. Forget the hassles of selecting and compiling your play lists. Let someone else do it for you. A great wealth of digital content exists for you to explore. The beauty lies in exploring this "never heard before" music.

A wealth of genre specific stations are available for any type of music. A Specific station can be chosen to match your mood, stay upto date with news back home or even that incredible concert in London you missed. At home or work, listening to Internet radio, away from the PC, is now possible with the Portable Internet radio receiver.

Technology Involved

Portable Internet radio receivers bring the comfort of listening to radio away from your PC. The portability would give the user the ability to walk away from their personal computer and household and still access their favorite Internet station.

Merconnet, aware of this new technology has brought to the market SONO, a digital audio player with universal tuner is the first portable stereo system that allows access to more and more Internet radio stations everyday, plays mp3's and CD's along with FM broadcasts.

Ease Of Use

Plugging in the Base Unit to a PC's USB port automatically starts installation of the default Windows drivers. The SONO Digital Media Player software driver works in conjunction with all standard Windows device drivers. This leads to more convenience in listening to digital audio away from the PC.

The portability approach to digital music is simple: it gives the user a product that works out of the box to wirelessly pipe music from a PC to any place in your house. The emerging internet radio listener will be happy to avoid the complexity and hassles of listening to internet radio any time, any where around the house. The SONO Digital Media Player will allow you to store your favorite internet radio stations and browse through your mp3 files without touching your PC. This is yet another example of how technology innovates for tomorrow.

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A Simple Plan To Market Online - Earn Money Instantly!

So you want to make money online but you dont have your own products and have no marketing idea. I will give you a simple solution to your problem.

1. You Need a product to sell

The first thing you need to do is to find a with niche market. My suggestion is to sell digital product like software or ebook those are the easiest product to sell online.

I will pick a product for you to help you understand the concept. To sell an ebook software Go to http://www.pathtosuccessonline.biz/eec

Join free the affiliate program there. Once you joined you will get you own unique affiliate URL. Save the URL in your notepad. That's the URL you will promote. (No Cost)

2. You need to promote it.

Use google to promote the product easily. Google is the most used search engine and we all know that the traffic is the highest quality as it's targeted traffic. Use the Adword service. Setup here: http://www.adwords.google.com

To activate the account only will cost you $5. You will need to write your own ad and choose the keywords for the product.

Okay now to sell the software just pick ebook software as the main keyword and now go to:


And type the keyword "ebook software" you will get another several alternative keywords to use for your campaign.

You will also need to setup you maximum cost per click, I suggest just use $0.05-0.10. The idea is that google will show your ad and per click you will be charged as the cost that you have setup first. This way you will only pay if the google send you a qualified prospect.

For the software you can use this ad:

Headline: Easy Ebook Creator

1st line: Create Professional Ebooks

2nd line: With Ebook Cover Only $19.97

URL: (your Affiliate URL)

3. Monitor your campaign and make adjustment where necessary. You can edit your ad and add another keywords for the campaign.

Okay that's all the plan. That's the simple plan you can start applying it.

Heri Rosyadi publishes Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you`re looking for the *best rated* home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: http://www.pathtosuccessonline.biz

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Bluetooth Software

No, it has nothing to do with teeth. Bluetooth software is the name of a new computer technology that is now becoming commercially available. It promises to change the way we use machines significantly. Bluetooth essentially is a cable-replacement technology. Conceived initially by Ericsson, it is a standard for a small, cheap radio chip to be plugged into computers, printers, mobile phones, or any other device.

A Bluetooth chip is designed to replace cables by taking the information normally carried by the cable, and transmitting it at a special frequency to a receiver chip, which will then return the information received. That was the original idea, but, a lot more is possible with the new software. If you can transmit information with between a PC and a printer, why not transmit data from a mobile phone to a printer, or to a computer?

It is a wireless protocol utilizing short-range communications technology facilitating data transmission over short distances, creating wireless Personal Area Networks. The intent behind the development of Bluetooth was the creation of a single digital wireless protocol, capable of connecting multiple devices. A radio technology called frequency hopping spread spectrum is used. It chops up the data being sent and transmits chunks of it on up to 75 different frequencies. In its basic mode, the modulation is Gaussian frequency shift keying, and it can achieve a gross data rate of 1 Mb/s.

The technology provides a way to connect and exchange information between devices such as mobile phones, telephones, laptops, personal computers, printers, GPS receivers, digital cameras, and video game consoles over a secure, globally unlicensed 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency bandwidth. The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. The SIG consists of companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics.

Bluesoleil 6 is the most popular Bluetooth device driver, it supports all features of BlueSoleil earlier versions, manages phone contacts, you can send short messages via BlueSoleil on your computer, transfer files between computer and Bluetooth phone, and it is Windows Vista compatible.

XP Software Repair

Your Guideline to Academic Software

If you are a sort of graphics addicted person you will not take advantage of one or two programs and you would need an entire series of programs to satisfy your exigences.Yet, you should always be aware of their price as they can cost a lot. There are some measures by which you can save a great deal of your money.One way to satisfy your need for a highly performant program is to search for the academic software version.If you attend any education institution you do probably benefit from some academic software purchases which can save you a large sum of money. You should know that academically priced software is of a great quality and it is given to affordable prices if you are part of any educational institution. The disadvantage is that no manual is given along with the program but the amount of money you have saved should be more than enough for you to buy one.

If you do not want to purchase a manual for your program there are many free tutorials on the Internet where you can find the useful information to start working with your program.

This along with free instructions and pieces of advice should be enough for you to register a great success with your program.If you believe that the price of the software with academic discount is suitable for you, you may contact your institution's library or any other source which deals with them in your school or faculty. You can also find them along with the discount on some Internet websites.

A frequently asked question is whether the academic software can be used in commercial purposes or not.Well, this is relative and totally dependent on what it is mentioned in the license Agreement for that particular program. Generally you are permitted to do so but some companies do not allow you to use the program in commercial purposes.

You must read is XP

Free Web Page Hosting - How Much Does It Really Cost and How Can You Tell If It's Right For You?

The short answer is: Maybe. Free web page hosting may be a great way to get started with your Web presence, especially if you are planning to develop a personal website.

Nearly all Internet Service Providers give you very limited free hosting when you sign up for an internet access plan. But it's usually just enough for a page or two. There are even some web hosting companies who'll give you a fairly complete free web site hosting package.

Quid Pro Quo

The give-back with free web page hosting is that you must accept online ads plastered all over your web site over which you’ll have no control. If you are hosting a personal web site and are not concerned about a bunch of unrelated or possibly offensive ads on your web pages, a free web site may be a good way to go.

However, if you plan to establish an online business presence you should simply forget about free web page hosting. The limited range of features, coupled with a barrage of ads unrelated to your business, will certainly be a turn-off for your visitors.

It’s Not 1995 Anymore

Most web surfers today are pretty savvy and can spot a free website at a glance and will not take your business seriously if your website doesn’t exude at least a basic degree of professionalism. You just can’t do that with a free web site.

The Good News

It’s actually pretty easy to find paid, yet affordable, web hosting that will enable your online business to compete effectively against the big guys. That is, if you know the kind of web hosting solution that will suit your immediate and long term needs.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of free web page hosting versus a more comprehensive paid web hosting plan.

Free Hosting - Pros

  • Well, nothing is completely free. In the case of free web page hosting, it’s pretty close to being free except for having to put up with those pesky ads.
  • Free web sites that come with your ISP’s internet access plan are generally easy to set up and modify using free, though limited, web site design tools provided.
  • This is also true of the free hosting packages offered by some mainstream web hosting companies. They get some ad revenue. You get online for free.
  • Free sites should cause no concerns if you are planning to build a web site that is essentially non-commercial in nature.

Free Hosting - Cons

  • The main drawback with free web page hosting is that it obviuosly looks to your visitors like a non-commercial (read "unprofessional") web site.

So if you are planning to transact any business online, whether product, software, or services sales, or affiliate and pay-per-click marketing. you simply must pay for your hosting.

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Not To Worry

At Web-Host-Watch we report on a variety of free and low cost hosting solutions. Spend some time with our tutorials, tips, and recommendations to get the information you'll need to select the best paid or free hosting plan that's just right for you.