iPhone is a revolutionary mobile phone produced by Apple Inc.. which has the functions of the camera, multimedia player, SMS, and voicemail.
Besides that this phone can also be connected with Internet network, to perform various activities such as send / receive emails, surf the web, and others. With the user interface using touch screen multi-touch (or also called capacitive touch screen) with virtual keyboard and buttons.
* The first generation iPhone, introduced to the market on June 29, 2007 in the U.S. at a price of U.S. $ 499 for 4GB model and U.S. $ 599 for the 8GB model (but under the condition of the contract with AT & T for two years).
* The second generation, called the iPhone 3G (because it is accompanied by features 3G) launched in various countries on July 11, 2008 at a price of U.S. $ 199 for the 8GB model and U.S. $ 299 for the 16GB model (but with the terms of the contract with AT & T for two years).
* Third Generation or iPhone 3GS, launched on June 17, 2009, at a price of U.S. $ 199 for the 16GB model and U.S. $ 299 for the 32GB model.
Camera attached to a 2-megapixel resolution for the first generation iPhone and iPhone 3G and 3.2 megapixel for iPhone 3GS. However, first generation and 3G iPhone can not record video. But with the help of a third party who makes many applications, almost all the deficiencies had to be overcome. Also this phone also has software that can upload photos. iPhone can play videos, so users can watch television or movies. iPhone has nearly one hundred thousand applications that are sold on iTunes on the computer, as well as directly at the iPhone Apps Store. IPhone users can even buy and download applications directly sold in the Apps Store, provided it does not exceed 10MB. IPhone operating system is a lightweight version of Mac OS X without the various components that are not needed. This operating system takes more or less space as much as 250MB. The operating system can be updated periodically through iTunes for free. In the near future, the iPhone itself will soon be launching [1] which is far better than its predecessor series.
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