The Wireless Fidelity invented by international organization with the aim to examining the companionability and endorsing. Wi-Fi interrelated to 802.11 standards, which was planned by the IEEE and create the beginning of wireless building. The wireless communication defines numerous ways to build up a connection between the transmitter and the receiver such as DSSS, FHSS, IR - Infrared and OFDM. In 1997 the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers introduced the 802.11 which carried higher capacities and world famous Cisco Systems or 3COM interested in this technology. At the start the price of Wifi was very high but in 2002 some product comes in market which has ability to do work in the new 802.11g standard, then in 2003 this standard got sanction of IEEE and come into view. With the uses of 802.11a and 802.11b now you can works like mobile ones and BSS cover your desired area by divided into cells controlled by AP.
Wi-Fi is liberty therefore you can connect to Internet from anywhere like home, office or a public place without any wire. Wi-Fi is much quicker than the modem and the usage of different amplifiers helpful to change our location within a large area. Through WiFi hotspot you can use wifi in home business because it is very simple in management. A Wi Fi hotspot is a location where wireless technology available for use to customers. In some cases it is free and some time carriers charge. The standard devices such as PCI, miniPCI, USB, Cardbus and PC card, ExpressCard makes it more convenient. Distance recorder as Ermanno Pietrosemoli and EsLaRed of Venezuela decrease used for distance purpose.
Embedded system that correspond with any other node on the internet. Wifi router enables a gateway to internet including Ethernet, switch, PCI card, hub, and DHCP.
There are different Wifi software tools in use. You can use Aircrack-ng if you are looking for multiple platforms. For windows use KNSGEM II, NetStumbler, OmniPeek, Stumbverter, WiFi Hopper, APTools, and if you are a user of Unix then Aircrack, Aircrack-ptw, AirSnort, CoWPAtty,Karma etc can be used.For Mac user MacStumble, KisMAC, Kismet are best .With the association of wifi tools your window become more usefull.
As we know Wifi use radio technologies offering a safe and consistent connectivity with 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio bands depend on the wireless hardware such Ethernet protocol and CSMA and CA facilitates path sharing. In the origin PSK was in use but now CCK frequently in use. There are different spectrum used in Wifi as FHSS and DSSS and various standard operating WiFi such as 802.11b which is most popular technology used by wireless network and operates 2.40 GHz - 2.4835 GHz band to operate bluetooth strategy, cellular phones, and scientific equipment, 802.11a have 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz range and provide up to 54 Mbps speed, 802.11g cover three non-overlapping channels and allow PBCC, 802.11e provide sufficient quality and offer video, audio, voice channel etc. You can connect to WiFi via adapter card and you have to know about SSID, infrastructure, and data encryption. The security secures your privacy by using MAC ID filtering, Static IP addressing, and WEP encryption.
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