If you are already thinking about getting any kind of account software, whether it costs money, or it is free, then you have taken the right steps to already saving yourself money. You have accepted that you could be bad at money management, and you want to keep better track of your incoming money and outgoing expenses every month. Be prepared however, because as you start to analyse your money transactions you might get a nasty shock of how much money you are wasting! So you are already saving yourself a pile of money by just getting down to looking at your finances.
For basic accounts, the most easily accessible free accounting software is available in your very own spreadsheet program. Even if you don't have excel, you can get free spreadsheets from all over the place. When you are working out your budget simply set up a page for each item, then get the cells to automatically total your incoming and outgoing money. I say simple, I have been programming spreadsheets since my first job. But, as they say, time is indeed money, and if you are saving money then setting up a spreadsheet might not necessarily be the best thing to do unless you are already familiar with the process.
So lets move on, what about the actual programmed versions - true accounting software?
I wouldn't recommend any software that was publicly available and didn't offer some sort of encryption. I certainly wouldn't even entertain the idea of freely available accounts programs that asked you for your bank details! Many programs are fine however, so there is no need to worry. Just check as your are running them that you don't need to include your account details.
Some free accounts software packages allow you to import spreadsheets from your bank. In short, you export them in something like a CSV file from your online bank system, and then import them into the program. If you don't like that idea, then you can simply type the data in yourself. If you don't have too complicated a financial situation then this latter idea is easy to accomplish.
It is quite true that many of the major packages that you do have to pay for are overblown for the majority of users. Do remember though that the reason they are like this is they are trying to cater for a wide market. What you might well need is something that looks after the budgeting side of a family for you. So this guideline is simple, define what you actually want the package to do, and then look for the software that will accomplish that well. If it will do it and it's free, all for the better.
If you have never tried an accounts package before then do be prepared to have to read the manual and then re-read it. Accounts look simple on the surface, but very soon become complex, and you are after all is said and done trying to make life easier for yourself! So, in short, don't give up on the software after just five minutes. Even worse, don't shoot yourself in the foot by giving up on the free software and then going and buying the versions that have a price tag. No matter what software you buy, there will be a learning curve. Of course, one which has templates and wizards built into the front end to help get the data into the program in the first place will help, and so look for that as another plus point feature.
So yes, do go for free accounting software, be prepared to input your own data; don't put any of your bank account details into the program other than the data and bank name (never account numbers and passwords!); and spend time defining what features you need and then looking for them.
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